Product: any item or service offered for sale on the Site.
Customer: any natural person placing an Order on the Site.
Order: any purchase or pre-order of a Product made by a Customer on the Site.

General terms and conditions of sale
The general terms and conditions of sale (hereinafter the "GTC") set out below apply to any Order for Products placed by any Customer with llayers via the Site.
The Customer must read the Terms & Conditions, available on the Site, before placing any Order.
Any validation of an order through the Site implies full and complete acceptance of the Terms and Conditions by the Customer, without reservation. By placing an order, the Customer agrees to respect the aforementioned General Terms and Conditions and declares that the Products ordered are not intended for his/her professional activity.
These general conditions are the only ones applicable and replace all other conditions, except preliminary, express and written exemption.
llayers can be punctually brought to modify some of the provisions of the general conditions, also it is necessary that those are reread before each order on the site www.llayersnyc.com (hereafter indicated the "site").
Any contrary condition posed by the Customer would thus be, in the absence of express acceptance, inopposable to the company whatever the moment when it could have been brought to its knowledge.

The fact that the company does not invoke any provision of these terms at a given time shall not be interpreted as a waiver of the right to invoke any provision of these terms at a later date.

Registration and orders on the site
In order to place an Order, the Customer must first register on the Site by creating an account containing all the Customer's information (the "Account").

When creating an Account, the Customer enters the data required for identification under his/her sole responsibility. The Customer must ensure that the information provided is accurate and complete, and must not impersonate any third party. The Customer is obliged to keep his personal information up to date at all times. In the event of an error in the recipient's contact details, llayers cannot be held responsible for the impossibility of delivering Products.
When creating an Account, the Customer chooses a login (e-mail address) and password. If the chosen username has already been assigned, the system will prompt the Customer to choose another. User IDs and passwords are personal and confidential. The Customer is solely responsible for them.
llayers reserves the right to close any Account and consequently to refuse any sale to a Customer in the following cases:
- Failure to pay for one or more previous Orders;
- Abusive, unfair or fraudulent use of the Ordering service offered on the Site or failure to respect any of the Client's obligations defined in the terms;
- Previous Orders obviously validated by a professional salesperson Client.
In this case, llayers will send an e-mail to the Customer concerned at the address communicated by the latter when creating his/her Account, informing him/her of the deactivation of his/her login and password and the closure of his/her Account.

The Products offered for sale are those displayed on the Site on the day the Customer consults the Site. Indications of Product availability are updated automatically in real time. However, llayers cannot be held responsible for any error in updating, regardless of its origin. In this respect, llayers cannot be held responsible for the cancellation of an Order for a Product due to the exhaustion of stocks. In the event of the unavailability of a Product, after the Order has been placed, the Customer will be informed by e-mail and the order will be automatically cancelled.

The Products offered for sale are described and presented as accurately as possible. Nevertheless, a slight variation in the color of the Product(s) does not engage the responsibility of the company and does not affect the validity of the sale
The characteristics of the Products sold on the Site (photographs, graphics, Product descriptions, etc.) may be modified at any time. Only the characteristics of the Product displayed at the time of the Order shall be taken into account by the Customer.

The placing of an Order on the Site is subject to compliance with the procedure set up by llayers on the Site, which includes successive stages leading to the validation of the Order. It implies an obligation of payment. 

The Customer can select as many Products as he wishes to add to the basket (the "Basket"). The Shopping Cart shall contain a summary of the Products selected by the Customer as well as their prices and related charges. The Customer may freely modify the Shopping Cart before validating the Order.
Validation of the Order shall constitute confirmation of the Customer's acceptance of the Terms and Conditions of Sale, the Products purchased, their prices and the associated costs.
If the Customer does not receive an e-mail following his/her Order, it is the Customer's responsibility to contact llayers' customer service at: contact@llayersnyc.com

llayers cannot be held responsible in the event of a data entry error or transmission of a data entry error that does not allow the delivery of the confirmation e-mail and/or the Products.

For any question relating to the follow-up of an Order, the Customer should consult his/her Account on the Site or contact customer service at: contact@llayersnyc.com
llayers reserves the right to remove at any time any Product displayed on the Site and to replace or modify any content or information appearing on the Site. llayers also reserves the right to refuse or cancel an Order from a customer with whom it has a dispute over the payment of a previous order.


The prices of the Products are indicated on the Site in US Dollars, a tax may be included, but excluding :

- customs duties and other taxes, which shall be paid by the Customer directly to the carrier; and
- shipping costs for certain products, the amount of which is specified before the Order is validated on the Web site under the heading "Shipping and Returns";
- additional costs related to the conversion of foreign currencies, depending on the method of payment chosen by the Customer

The prices take into account any discounts applicable on the date of the Order.

Any new taxes or contributions, in particular environmental taxes, are likely to be reflected in the selling price of the Products.
llayers reserves the right to modify its prices at any time, the Products being invoiced on the basis of the rates in force at the time the Order is validated, subject to availability.

The price of the Products invoiced to the Customer is the price indicated on the Order confirmation sent to the Customer by e-mail.

Terms of payment
The Products are payable in cash at the time of the effective Order.

Payment for Products is made by credit card (CB, Visa, MasterCard, American Express) via a secure online payment platform.

The Customer expressly acknowledges that the communication of his/her credit card number to llayers is tantamount to authorising the debiting of his/her Account for the price of the Products as indicated at the time of confirmation of his/her Order. Where applicable, notification of cancellation of an Order for non-payment will be sent to the Customer by llayers to the e-mail address provided by the Customer when registering on the Site.

The data recorded and kept by llayers constitutes proof of the Order and of all sales made. The data recorded by Paypal or Stripe constitutes proof of any financial transaction between the Customer and llayers.


llayers may send customers product information and commercial offers by e-mail.

The customer may at any time object to such commercial prospecting at no cost:
- By sending an unambiguous request by e-mail (contact@llayersnyc.com)
- By clicking on the "unsubscribe" link at the bottom of the page 

Intellectual property
The reproduction or representation, in whole or in part, of the pages, data and any other element of the llayersnyc.com site, by any process or medium whatsoever, without the prior written authorization of llayers, is prohibited (with the exception of copies for private use and those made for the needs of the press) and constitutes an infringement punishable by the Intellectual Property Code, likely to engage the civil and/or criminal liability of its author. 

The trademarks appearing on this Internet site, in particular the trademark " llayers ", are registered trademarks. Any total or partial reproduction or use of these trademarks without prior written authorization from the owner is prohibited.

llayers is the exclusive owner of all the elements (models, illustrations, images, soundtracks, texts, logos, brands...) constituting the Site. It is therefore forbidden to reproduce in any form whatsoever, directly or indirectly, the elements referred to in the previous paragraph, as well as to alter the trademarks, patents, names, acronyms, logos, colors, graphics or other signs appearing on the elements made available on the Site, and more generally to use or exploit these elements other than in the context of the execution of the present contract. 

As such, the reproduction or use of all or part of these elements is only authorized for the exclusive purpose of information for personal and private use, any reproduction and any use of copies made for other purposes being expressly prohibited.